Wednesday, April 16, 2003

some of the most raw and deep-seated emotions + affections are fear, and trust.. how do I find time for more than 1 or 2 deep & honest relationships? I don't have that many more! :( they're few and far between.. and if there were many more, I think the tendency is to become cliqu'ish or gangy, and thus water down the depth of the relationships.. it's my hunch that within an Asian culture that values face and outward appearances, it would be that much more difficult to drop the mask, and be real, and deep, and transparent, and honest, with ones strengths and weaknesses, fears and courage, struggles and joys.. not to blame it all on that cultural disposition, but it's an obvious factor.. b/c in Anglo-American culture, to compare, the depth of relationship isn't all that easy to come by either, even tho' the culture promotes self-expression and free speech, it doesn't necessarily engender relational depth, and in fact, statistics show that Anglo-Americans to be more individualistic and isolated than other ethnic groupings, cf. the book "Bowling Alone", and the comparatively smaller wedding sizes..

I personally don't think it's "suggestive" for a woman to initiate doing coffee.. let's do it some time soon :)


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