Monday, January 27, 2003
Good point, DJ. What battle is there in today's world for men to fight? I had to chew on that for awhile. I don't think the battle would be the same for all men, but it would be one that engages their mind, strength, and emotions. Something that makes them feel alive. For Christian men, it could mean going against the "flow" of the world and walking in integrity- in their work and in their relationships. Saying no to temptations that men face. "Fighting" a good fight in their marriages so that it will be that much better. Anything that enables the man to step up and out into the world-- not be a passive spectator. He wouldn't necessarily have to be in the limelight- but just something to show that he isn't just sitting around watching life pass him by. I probably have more to say on this, but more reflection time is needed. :)
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